
Thursday, August 07, 2003:

Snoologic in an Indeterminant Method
I believe that I am indeterminist for although I recognize and identify with determinist theory, I realize that nothing in my life is truly determined. I accept and agree that a determinist environment did shape me and mold me to become the individual that I am today. I understand through biological determinism, that I did not choose my gender, my genetics, or even my humanity. I was not capable of choosing my family, nor could I choose the society that formed me. I realize that my childhood which was spent moving around many parts of the world and country would subsequently lead me to recognize the differences between peoples. This nomadic lifestyle although not of my choosing was a huge force in the individual that I am today. These are the deterministic factors which shaped me, but I have also learned to recognize that if I truly understand myself then I might recognize such unconscious motivations that might arise from determined influences. If I can recognize these motivations through careful analysis of my being and nature, then I might decide to make freely the decision of going with the motivation or against it. My life is not determined, I make decisions based from prior decisions, my life is a development which can never be known nor predicted. I cannot know the future, the very nature of life is the fact that it changes, it is not concrete enough to make a prediction. There are too many variables known and unknown to even begin rationalization. I do not believe that just because I was born in such a family and such a society as I live in today, that I should continue to follow its rules blindly. I realize that I can choose to be what I will, and find meaning in what I will, but accept that there is never going to be an absolute answer to anything. A determinist environment formed me, but once realization of this process occurs it should be possible to come closer to know one’s self, thus making conscious rational decisions free from prediction but only knowing that I cannot know the future.

Snoo // 20:00

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