
Thursday, July 10, 2003:

Rainy Days Again and Again and Again
Pittsburgh seems mired in an endless season of rain this week...pretty amazing too since we just came out of a 2 month rainy season last week. I experienced the storms first hand this afternoon as I waited nearly an hour for my bus in the rain, without an umbrella. It was a joy to see the lightening and feel a heady rush as the thunder claps resonated right over my naked sopping head. Then I began to think introspectively, and thought about how shitty it was to no longer own a car. In the midst of the downpour I see countless compact cars and suvs cruise past me, the occupants snuggly warm and dry. It was a downpour when finally my bus did arrive. I boarded the bus, dripping, freezing, and looked at the occupants reactions as water dripped off my nose, fell from my hair, and lingered at my finger tips. I was on the bus 5 minutes when I asked the driver if the bus was headed to my neighborhood, I was informed that I entered on the wrong way...the bus was coming back from its run. Thus I had to sit an hour on the bus, freezing...huddled with a sweater over my soaked tshirt,and goosebumps peeking out of my skirt. Needless to say I am ok now, I made it home, took a Hot shower, and drank some chai. My heart feels full, my anxiety over being carless has left me, and all seems right with the world. At least until I have to wait out a bus in the downpour again....

Snoo // 22:45

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