
Monday, July 07, 2003:

CashWrap Nazi Strikes Again
I work at Barnes and Nobles, I sell books and most of the time get insulted by snotty customers. I don't think there is a day when I am working that a random customer insults my intelligence. I cannot quite understand this, since I am not too certain about their own mental powers. Of course it is my job at BandN to smile and take the insults, and when noone is looking I make ugy faces at the customers. Now as horrible as these patrons are, there is a worse problem, and he lurks behind the lines of defense. This man is Dan the CashWrap Nazi. Now when I began working at the b&n, I found this title of his humourous as it was whispered conspiratorially. I did not know that CashWrap Nazi was the actual embodiment of his character. I have had many tastes of his wrath, and the day I worked eight hours of cashwrap (the cash register) made me want to destroy him. He is a cocky, fat man that lives to scorn you with his tongue. He is impatient, is very rude to customers, I do not know how he gets away with this. He is also the lead for cashwrap which serves to fill his huge ego the more. An example of his doings, this past saturday as I was leaving the store, I stopped by the registers. I asked a coworker for a large plastic bag as the one I had with me was ripping. Well Dan the man was there, he of course over heard my request and demanded to know why I wanted a bag. He then said that we are not allowed to give out bags unless you buy something. Holy shit, wtf, I handle these bags all day long and this ass is trying to tell me I cannot have a bag. The list goes on my friend, but I deign not to waste any more time on it this day. I will certainly have more to add when I have the pleasure of working with him again, this tuesday. So ciao my prettys.

Snoo // 12:47

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